By - Money MaTTERS

Rent Agreement Essentials: 10 Clauses You Can't Afford to Miss

Ensure a smooth rental experience by including these 11 important clauses in your rent agreement

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Rent Amount and Payment Term

Clearly state the rent amount, due date, and accepted payment method


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Security Deposit

Specify the security deposit amount, its purpose, and conditions for refund


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Lease Duration and Renewal

Include the lease start and end dates, and terms for renewal or termination


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Maintenance and Repair

Outline the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant for property maintenance and repair


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Utilities and Bill

Define which utilities are included in the rent and how additional bills will be handled


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Subletting and Assignment

State whether the tenant can sublet or assign the lease, and under what condition


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Mention any restrictions on pets and the potential consequences for violating the policy


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Modifications and Alteration

Clarify what changes the tenant can make to the property and the approval process required


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Entry and Inspection

Establish guidelines for when and how the landlord can enter the property for inspections or repair


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Rules and Regulations

Include any specific rules or regulations, such as noise restrictions or parking limitation


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Termination and Notice

Define the notice period and conditions for early termination by either party


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